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Small to Medium Business Packages

Welcome to Apex Networking's comprehensive Small and Medium-Sized Business (SMB) services pricing. At Apex Networking, we understand that SMBs require flexible and tailored solutions to meet their unique needs. We offer four distinct packages – Basic, Standard, Premium, and Platinum– designed to accommodate a wide range of business sizes and requirements. In this pricing breakdown, you'll find transparent and competitive pricing for our SMB IT services, including licenses for 1 to 500 users. Whether you're a budding startup or a growing enterprise, we're committed to delivering cost-effective solutions that empower your business to thrive. Contact us for additional details and find the perfect fit for your organization's needs.



With our ApexCare package, customers are charged an individual amount of $150 per month. Since SMB businesses are tailored toward more users we offer packages to meet the business's needs. Each license offers one ApexCare membership which provides assistance for computers, smart phones, smart devices, Bluetooth devices, Printers Cloud based services, and Network support. The packages offer an affordable plan to keep your business's devices up and running. 

Tailored Solutions

​We understand that every SMB is unique. Our commitment to providing tailored solutions means you get exactly what you need, without unnecessary costs or complexities. No one-size-fits-all - just the perfect fit for your business.

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